Thursday, October 25, 2012


As teens what is one of the top reasons we are stressed out.....? Relationships! For girls, boys are probably the number one stessor. We spend hours getting ready, making sure that every acne spot is covered, creating the cutest outfits, and making sure we look absolutely perfect! But do they even notice? Sometimes I think not! We try so hard to just get something out of that one guy/girl and honestly they don't really care.
Then, there's the whole relationship thing! I mean, who came up with that? Just because you like someone doesn't automatically make them your girlfriend/boyfriend. Can't you just like someone? Obviously not in today's society. We are put in situations where not having a significant other is a sign that your not cool, or you aren't good enough. This makes girls so insecure! We think we aren't pretty enough or thin enough which causes a lot of the issues the world has to deal with now a days, like anorexia, depression, ect. Sure, you can like someone but you don't have to be together! It puts way to much stress on you guys!
Girls, I promise that guys care about you, they just don't always show their feelings very well. We are all young and nobody our age truly knows what love really is. So chill out! Like the cute boy in math and just like him. Don't let anybody pressure you into something you don't want to do. Wake up everyday and feel good about yourself. You don't have to be all primped up and cute unless that's what makes you feel good. From my guy friends, they love it when girls are just themselves and not hidden under layers of makeup (but from a girls point of view, i don't think I wouldn't wear makeup around my guys....:) So be who you are and I promise the right guy will come around someday and you will be glad you waited for him
Today's quote is, "Love ceases to be a pleasure, when it ceases to be a secret." -Aphra Behn. It's true girls. From experience, I've learned that it is a lot more fun to have a crush on a guy and giggle with your girlfriends about him. It just gets awkward when he knows! So have your crushes or crinkles or whatever you call it but make sure you aren't trying so hard you are stressing yourself out! Have a great day everyone! Bye!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Let's talk about mistakes. We all have them, we all make them. They are apart of each day of our lives. To some our mistakes seem like nothing but maybe to us, they are the end of the world! I personally think that I make a mistake, I shouldn't even try anymore. It seems to me as though I could never do anything right again! The truth is though, everyone makes mistakes. They aren't gonna destroy your life, you can always change your life. One bad test or even term isn't going to blow your chances of getting into college. Who knows maybe you just needed that term to let go and find yourself. 
Everyone is gonna make a mistake here and there so the important thing is to not sweat it! You will be just fine. Let it go and move on with your life because if you focus on that one mistake you are bound to make more!
 Today's quote comes from Pintrest. "Mistakes are proof you are trying." They really are! If you aren't trying then you aren't going anywhere. Make a few mistakes now and then, they're what makes life so interesting. Nobody's perfect but trying is what really counts! Have a great day everyone!

Monday, October 22, 2012


So sorry it has been such a long time since I have posted everyone! Life has been a little crazy!
Today's post is about friends. Friends are some of the most important things to a teenager! Well at least they are to me. My friends are the most amazing people I know and I just can't help but love every single one of them. They have helped me through everything trail in my life and I know I can depend on them. But you know like everyone, I haven't always had the best of friends.
There was a time in middle school when I honestly didn't have any friends. I sat alone at lunch and never felt like I really belonged when hanging out with the few girls that would have me. (I hope they don't mind me telling you this...) I saw them as friends but in their eyes, I'm pretty sure I was just an annoying girl no one wanted around. Eventually they started to slowly push me out and I was really hurt. Life was really hard then. I walked around school hallways alone and spent the weekends at home with my mom.... kinda pathetic for a pre teen.
I was really mad at these girls for a long time and I told myself I would never forgive them. I didn't know then that if I didn't forgive them, I would have never found some of my best friends in the planet! Two years after this all happened, I would have never guessed that three of these girls and I would become inseparable! I love these girls with all of my heart and I would never trade my experience of being friendless because I wouldn't have three of my best friends. These girls are so sweet and the whole experience was just some misunderstandings between us and some middle school drama mixed in.
My friends are my family. The guys in my group are the brothers I need and want. They protect me and help me with anything I need help with. They stand up for me when some idiot is rude to me at school and I know if I was ever in an emergency I could call them and they would come running.  My girls, oh my girls, I love them so much! I love our crazy dance parties and our gossip sessions. These girls know anything and everything about me and I bet you I could write novels on each of their lives. We know secrets about each other that could blackmail us into infinity.
These are the people I love to spend my time with and what teenager wouldn't! Our friends are our suport and our counslers. Their shoulders are stained with our tears and their hands bruised from hurting those who hurt us. I know I could never live without them and I want them to know I will always be there for them! I love you guys!
With so many friendship quotes it was hard to chose one today. "A real friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out." -unknown. To me this quote is absolutely true! If you have really good friends they aren't going to leave you for the crowd. They stick by your side no matter what happens in life. If they do leave you maybe they aren't worth your friendship. I hope you can all find friends that are just as amazing as mine and if you can't you've always got me! Have a great day everyone!

Monday, October 1, 2012

How do you deal with a jam packed week?

Does it ever feel to you like life is gonna be crazy for a week? I swear teachers plan to have all their big things due in the same week!! This week I have five tests, three big projects, a choir concert and I am singing the national anthem at a game! When you look at the week as a whole, life is gonna stress you out! Who wouldn't be stressed out looking at everything at a whole. My advice to you, just take it a day at a time. Break your week down by each day and make a list of what needs to be done. Study for the test(s)/projects you have the next day and only focus on those. Make sure you aren't over preparing. Over preparing can be an excellent thing, if you have the time. I always tend to go a little overboard on school work, but it makes me stress even more if I don't have the time. So do your best on it and be done, study hard but if you think your brain is going to explode you are probably ready for that test! So make sure that you are looking at individual things you have to do, instead of everything at once. I promise this will help relieve some stress and you will be able to survive the week!
Today's quote is "If you want something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done." - unknown. To me this quote is saying that you really have to put yourself out there. You aren't gonna get something you want if you don't try for it! You won't ever get a solo of you don't try out. You won't get the car if you aren't willing to work for the money. You won't get the guy if you don't go after him. With that I hope you all have the best day ever!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Songs for Those Bad Days!!!!

I don't know about any of you guys, but without my music I wouldn't survive! On my bad days, my favorite thing to do is listen to some power to yourself at the loudest my ihome goes! So I am going to share with you some of the best songs to make you feel better!
1. Things are Gonna Get Better- David Archuleta
2. Perfect- P!nk ( make sure it's the clean versions!:)
3. Don't you Know You're Beautiful- Kellie Pickler
4. Keep your Head Up- Andy Grammer
5. Make you Believe- Lucy Hale
6. Perfect - Sara Evans
7. What Makes you Beautiful- One Direction
These songs are great pick me ups for when you are feel bad about yourself! Music really helps to just let go of things and it can change your whole mood! I hope that these can help you change your day!
The quote for this post is, "Music speaks the words we are to afraid to speak out loud!" To me this quote is very true! When listening to music I find that a lot of my favorite songs have to do with what I'm going through in life around that time. If you don't know where you are in life, try listening to the songs you play. If you don't like what you hear, change your style of music! I hope you have a great day!:)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


The guilt of something can leave a weight on your shoulders that ends up being really hard to carry! It can make your life miserable. You are never truly happy because the guilt is always there. So my advice for this, is to apologize! Apologizing is not the easiest or very fun to do. It is really important though! By apologizing to someone for something you may or may not have done, it makes it so you are not in the wrong. You can be forgiven because you have taken the step and apologized! You can forgive yourself and take the weight off of your back! You can stand a little taller and walk a little prouder! The quote of this post is, "The first to apologize is the bravest, the first to forgive is the strongest and the first to forget is the happiest!" To me this quote almost explains its self. With each of these steps you will receive the blessing of each one! The key to happiness is to start with apologizing!! Don't forget to forgive yourself because without forgiving yourself you will never be able to forget and you can't be happy without forget your past!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Just Smile!

These last to days have been polar opposites of each other! Yesterday, I was not in the best of moods! I woke up late, my hair wasn't working with me, school was stressful, and I failed my math test. I went through the whole day with a negative attitude. I was grumpy to everyone I talked to and even was rude to my best friend who was trying to help! School was horrible and I couldn't focus of what any of my teachers where talking about. I even had a break down during second period where I was crying for no reason! 
Today was great! Everything wasn't perfect but I woke up with a smile on my face. I realized that yesterday, I didn't smile once! It seems crazy that one little thing can change your whole out look on life but it really can! Looking at life with a positive attitude will make you happier! Focus on the positives in life. Don't think of the test you failed that day, remember the fun times you had a lunch with your friends! When something bad happens, look at it and realize what could have done better for the future. But after a few minutes, forget about it! Come back to it at a later time! Don't let one little thing ruin your whole day! 
Smile at people in the hallways! They will appreciate it more then you know! Sometimes a simple smile from a stranger can change a persons outlook on life. Like a story I once heard, A boy was going to commit suicide but because of the kindness of another boy at school this boy decided that life really was worth living for. So, be kind to those around you, you might just save a life!
The quote for this post is, "Your day will go in the direction the corners of your mouth are pointed." This quote, to me, means that if you are smiling and having a happy attitude, your day is going to be so much better. You are going to have a better day then if you are negative towards everything and every one around you. So smile big and have a great day!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

5 things to cheer you up!!!

I don't know about you guys, but I have days were I am just down. No matter what you do, life just doesn't seem happy! There's many things you can do to hopefully help you feel just a little but better!
1. Take sometime!
     Take some time off doing homework or chores. Do something that you like to do! It may only get to be five minutes of blasting you're favorite song, but it's something you love! This can be a great stress reliever if you are stressed about school, work, or life in general! Because life is stressful!!!
2. Take a nap!
     Even if it's only fifteen minutes, naps are a great thing! They really help with stress. It gives you a little time to just clear your head before you dive back into your stress filled day!
3. Exercise!
     I know it something not a lot of people like to do, but honestly it really does help. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins. Endorphins are hormones that when released make you happy. So if you are stressed or just having a bad day it's a great way to cheer up. Plus excercising helps with your self esteem and will make you feel more confident in yourself!
4. Your quiet place!
   This is a lot like number one, but maybe you just need something quiet and peaceful! You could go on a walk around the neighborhood, or go to someplace that you know will lift your spirit. As a member of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints, a place I go is the parking lot of the Mt. Timpanogos Temple! I can always feel the spirit and it always brightens my day!
5.  Look up quotes!
   As you all know, I am obssesed with quotes! Quotes can be really inspiring! Sometimes you read a quote and it explains exactly what you are going through and other times they just can make you smile. One thing I did is gather a bunch of quotes and put them in a book so when I have my bad days  I can look in the book and make me smile!
I am a princess not because I have a prince, but because my father is a king! Yes this may be a religous quote but I believe it's true! Our father is a king which makes each one of us a prince or princess!:) have a great day!

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Start of Something Great!!!

This blog is for any teen looking to be happy or just looking for something! I am going to try my best to write things that would be helpful for teens, including: movie reviews, book reviews, quotes, and stories that will hopefully help anyone having a bad day! Quotes are the perfect way to describe life! Which is why I'm going to end each post with a quote! This post's quote comes from a pinterest post, "Take a deep breath. It's just a bad day not a bad life!" Things will go wrong in life but that doesn't mean everything about life is bad! Look for something good in everyday and I promise life will be happier!!!