Thursday, September 20, 2012

Just Smile!

These last to days have been polar opposites of each other! Yesterday, I was not in the best of moods! I woke up late, my hair wasn't working with me, school was stressful, and I failed my math test. I went through the whole day with a negative attitude. I was grumpy to everyone I talked to and even was rude to my best friend who was trying to help! School was horrible and I couldn't focus of what any of my teachers where talking about. I even had a break down during second period where I was crying for no reason! 
Today was great! Everything wasn't perfect but I woke up with a smile on my face. I realized that yesterday, I didn't smile once! It seems crazy that one little thing can change your whole out look on life but it really can! Looking at life with a positive attitude will make you happier! Focus on the positives in life. Don't think of the test you failed that day, remember the fun times you had a lunch with your friends! When something bad happens, look at it and realize what could have done better for the future. But after a few minutes, forget about it! Come back to it at a later time! Don't let one little thing ruin your whole day! 
Smile at people in the hallways! They will appreciate it more then you know! Sometimes a simple smile from a stranger can change a persons outlook on life. Like a story I once heard, A boy was going to commit suicide but because of the kindness of another boy at school this boy decided that life really was worth living for. So, be kind to those around you, you might just save a life!
The quote for this post is, "Your day will go in the direction the corners of your mouth are pointed." This quote, to me, means that if you are smiling and having a happy attitude, your day is going to be so much better. You are going to have a better day then if you are negative towards everything and every one around you. So smile big and have a great day!