Wednesday, September 19, 2012

5 things to cheer you up!!!

I don't know about you guys, but I have days were I am just down. No matter what you do, life just doesn't seem happy! There's many things you can do to hopefully help you feel just a little but better!
1. Take sometime!
     Take some time off doing homework or chores. Do something that you like to do! It may only get to be five minutes of blasting you're favorite song, but it's something you love! This can be a great stress reliever if you are stressed about school, work, or life in general! Because life is stressful!!!
2. Take a nap!
     Even if it's only fifteen minutes, naps are a great thing! They really help with stress. It gives you a little time to just clear your head before you dive back into your stress filled day!
3. Exercise!
     I know it something not a lot of people like to do, but honestly it really does help. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins. Endorphins are hormones that when released make you happy. So if you are stressed or just having a bad day it's a great way to cheer up. Plus excercising helps with your self esteem and will make you feel more confident in yourself!
4. Your quiet place!
   This is a lot like number one, but maybe you just need something quiet and peaceful! You could go on a walk around the neighborhood, or go to someplace that you know will lift your spirit. As a member of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints, a place I go is the parking lot of the Mt. Timpanogos Temple! I can always feel the spirit and it always brightens my day!
5.  Look up quotes!
   As you all know, I am obssesed with quotes! Quotes can be really inspiring! Sometimes you read a quote and it explains exactly what you are going through and other times they just can make you smile. One thing I did is gather a bunch of quotes and put them in a book so when I have my bad days  I can look in the book and make me smile!
I am a princess not because I have a prince, but because my father is a king! Yes this may be a religous quote but I believe it's true! Our father is a king which makes each one of us a prince or princess!:) have a great day!

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