Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Let's talk about mistakes. We all have them, we all make them. They are apart of each day of our lives. To some our mistakes seem like nothing but maybe to us, they are the end of the world! I personally think that I make a mistake, I shouldn't even try anymore. It seems to me as though I could never do anything right again! The truth is though, everyone makes mistakes. They aren't gonna destroy your life, you can always change your life. One bad test or even term isn't going to blow your chances of getting into college. Who knows maybe you just needed that term to let go and find yourself. 
Everyone is gonna make a mistake here and there so the important thing is to not sweat it! You will be just fine. Let it go and move on with your life because if you focus on that one mistake you are bound to make more!
 Today's quote comes from Pintrest. "Mistakes are proof you are trying." They really are! If you aren't trying then you aren't going anywhere. Make a few mistakes now and then, they're what makes life so interesting. Nobody's perfect but trying is what really counts! Have a great day everyone!

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